At a glance

St. Henry Catholic School is a National Blue Ribbon School

St. Henry Catholic School is a National Blue Ribbon School

Number of Students: Preschool-Eighth Grade: 300+

Average Class Size: 19

Faculty and Staff: 35

Full Day Schedule: 7:40 AM-2:35 PM, Doors open at 7:00 AM, After-Care Program until 5:30 PM

Geographic Reach: 21 zip codes represented in two states

Sacraments Celebrated: Weekly Mass, daily prayer/rosary, Adoration/Benediction, First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation

Enrichments: Technology, theater, Makerspace, library, physical education

Class Traditions:
Kindergarten: Visit to the Elsmere Fire Station
First Grade: Field Trip to the Dinsmore Homestead
Second Grade: Wax Museum presentation
Third Grade: Saint Parade
Fourth Grade: Field trip to Frankfort and surrounding area
Fifth Grade: Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens Overnight
Sixth Grade: Playhouse in the Park
Seventh Grade: Camp Joy
Eighth Grade: Trip to Washington DC

Sports & Extracurriculars: Archery, basketball, cross country, flag football, golf, volleyball (boys and girls), LEGO club, robotics, Future Problem Solvers, academic team (elementary and middle school)