General Bingo Information
- Non-Smoking (two 10-minute breaks are held)
- Handicap Accessible
- Doors open at 4:45 PM
- Jitneys begin around 6:45 PM
- Regular games begin around 7:30 PM
- Concessions available including pizza, sub sandwiches with sides, hot dogs, brats and metts!

The St. Henry Bingo, is held on Monday nights in the school cafeteria and is non-smoking. Dinner and drinks are provided to volunteers. Doors open at 4:45 PM and bingo is generally over before 10:00 PM. Before the pandemic, bingo brought in over $120,000 per year which is added into the school’s operating budget. Our bingo is run solely by volunteers; regular monthly positions are available.
School parent volunteers are also asked to sell pull-tabs on a specific week throughout the year. By selling pull-tabs, parents are able to earn extra money for the teachers to use in the classroom. Six pull-tab volunteers are needed weekly: for each volunteer up to four, the teacher/s will receive $30/volunteer; the fifth volunteer earns $50, with the sixth volunteer earning $80!

We ask that every family work 2-3 bingos throughout the school year for each child attending St. Henry and 1-2 throughout the summer. Thank you in advance for supporting our school’s bingo, we wouldn’t be able to keep up this great fundraiser without our parents and teachers!
Volunteer questions? Contact Jamie Powers at 859-814-9998 or email
Bingo questions? Email Ryan Bihl, or call/text 859-760-3325.